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The Hills are Alive With the Sound of LBCs Drive

Thanks to David Mathias for all the time and effort hosting last weeks drive and lunch at the Little Switzerland Inn. The drive went without a hitch and was so much fun. Great atmosphere and great food with friends.
Click the GoPro Link to see 25 photos. Never enough but here they are:
John Houtman has reacted to this post.
John Houtman

Big thanks also to Robert Milks for working with David to plan out the route and the regroup locations. Had planned on going but... DW

John Houtman has reacted to this post.
John Houtman

Thanks again Terry for the great pictures  , you are our official photographer in the Club !

It was a perfect drive and such a beautiful place to have lunch with all our friends .

We drove back on the BRP to go home and have to say a big THANK YOU to David Mathias for organizing this drive and Robert for leading the way to the Inn .

Sorry we weren't able to make this one...looks like a great drive on a splendid day!